Inhaltsverzeichnis |
Beschreibung with VDR IPTV Plugin
debian GNU/Linux wheezy+
ii vdr 2.0.6-6yavdr1 i386 Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards
ii vdr-plugin-iptv 2.0.3-0yavdr4~precise i386 IPTV plug-in for VDR
ii vdr-plugin-xineliboutput 1.1.0-22-g1d98107-1ya i386 VDR plugin for Xine based sofdevice frontends
ii libxineliboutput-sxfe 1.1.0-22-g1d98107-1ya i386 Local X-Server frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
ii ffmpeg 10:2.6.4-dmo1 i386 audio/video encoder, streaming server & audio/video file converter
Extra Hardware used with this setup
Multimedia controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM70015 Video Decoder [Crystal HD]
iptv.DisabledFilters = 1 2 6 iptv.ExtProtocolBasePort = 4321 iptv.SectionFiltering = 1 iptv.TsBufferPrefill = 0 iptv.TsBufferSize = 1
#!/bin/sh # HeavyMTV;IPTV:10:S=0|P=0|F=EXT||A=0:I:0:256:257:0:0:1:0:0:0 #LOG=/var/log/vdr-iptv LOG=/dev/null if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then logger "$0: error: Invalid parameter count '$#' $*" exit 1 fi PARAMETER=${1} PORT=${2} HLS="" RTSP="rtsp://" RTMP="rtmp://" #Mostly working for weeks with some h.264 video artefacts until wowza server runs wild again with invalid P/DTS "Experiencing Technical Issues" ffmpeg -nostats -v debug -analyzeduration 10M -stimeout 10M -rtsp_transport udp -max_delay 100K -i "${RTSP}" -f mpegts -c:v copy -c:a mp2 -b:a 192k -ar 44100 -af volume=-10dB "udp://${PORT}?pkt_size=16356" > ${LOG} 2>&1 #Not better than rtmp. #ffmpeg -nostats -v debug -analyzeduration 10M -stimeout 10M -rtsp_transport tcp -max_delay 100K -i "${RTSP}" -f mpegts -c:v copy -c:a mp2 -b:a 192k -ar 44100 -af volume=-10dB "udp://${PORT}?pkt_size=16356" > ${LOG} 2>&1 #NOTE: mp2 transcoding is a quirk needed for keeping VDR (and/or xineliboutput-sxfe) A/V demuxer/decoders in lipsync. #Audio only, in times of high latency / packet loss or hmtv wowza server runs wild again. #ffmpeg -nostats -v debug -analyzeduration 10M -rtsp_transport udp -max_delay 100K -i "${RTSP}" -f mpegts -vn -c:a mp2 -b:a 192k -ar 44100 -af #volume=-10dB "udp://${PORT}?pkt_size=16356" > ${LOG} 2>&1 #Only working without nasty audio dropouts in spare low overseas latency times, otherwise triggering VDR TS-Packet Error intermittently. #ffmpeg -nostats -v verbose -analyzeduration 10M -i "${RTMP}" -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts -c:v copy -c:a mp2 -b:a 192k -ar 44100 -af volume=-10dB "udp://${PORT}?pkt_size=16356" > ${LOG} 2>&1 #Not working, chunk download always too slow, breaks with big underrun, server is too far away or too slow for non RT- protocols, west of U.S. #ffmpeg -nostats -v debug -analyzeduration 10M -i "${HLS}" -f mpegts -c:v copy -c:a mp2 -b:a 192k -ar 44100 -af volume=-10dB "udp://${PORT}?pkt_size=16356" > ${LOG} 2>&1 #vlc 2.0.6, 2.2.1 not better than ffmpeg. #vlc -vv "${RTSP}" --sout "#standard{access=udp,mux=ts{pid-video=256,pid-audio=257},dst=$PORT}" --intf dummy > ${LOG} 2>&1 #vlc -vv "${RTMP}" --sout "#standard{access=udp,mux=ts{pid-video=256,pid-audio=257},dst=$PORT}" --intf dummy > ${LOG} 2>&1 #vlc -vv "${HLS}" --sout "#standard{access=udp,mux=ts{pid-video=256,pid-audio=257},dst=$PORT}" --intf dummy > ${LOG} 2>&1
Bugs / What's missing / TODO
- Test other VDR output (soft)devices and (HW) decoders (accelerators)