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Installation VDR

Videoverzeichnis vorbereiten

cd /data
mkdir vdrrecords
cd /
ln -s /data/vdrrecords/ video

VDR herunterladen und vorbereiten

cd /data/installfiles/vdr
cd /usr/local/src
tar -xjf /data/installfiles/vdr/vdr-1.5.9.tar.bz2
mv vdr-1.5.9/ vdr

Makefile anpassen

cd /usr/local/src/vdr
vi Makefile

LOCDIR   = /usr/local/src/vdr/locale

skincurses.c anpassen

cd /usr/local/src/vdr/PLUGINS/src/skincurses
vi skincurses.c

cCursesOsd::cCursesOsd(int Left, int Top)
:cOsd(Left, Top, 0)

VDR Patches herunterladen

Den hier aufgeführten Patch habe ich aus der Mailinglist entnommen.

cd /data/installfiles/vdr
mv attachment-0001.bin vdr-1.5.9-dvbs2-h264-syncearly-framespersec.diff

VDR für h264/DVBS2 patchen

cd /usr/local/src/vdr
patch -p1 -i /data/installfiles/vdr/vdr-1.5.9-dvbs2-h264-syncearly-framespersec.diff

Skripte und Konfigurationsdateien vorbereiten

cd /usr/local/src/vdr
cp -a /usr/local/bin
mkdir -p /etc/vdr/plugins /var/vdr
mv *.conf /etc/vdr
mv channels.conf.cable /etc/vdr
mv channels.conf.terr /etc/vdr

channels.conf editieren und HDTV Kanäle hinzufügen

cd /etc/vdr
vi channels.conf

PREMIERE HD:11915:hM8:S19.2E:27500:767:771:0:0:129:0:6:0
DISCOVERY HD:11915:hM8:S19.2E:27500:1023:1027:0:0:130:0:6:0
ASTRA HD+:11915:hM8:S19.2E:27500:1279:1283:0:0:131:0:6:0
CANAL HD:12168:v:S19.2E:27500:169:116:0:0:9510:1:1088:0
ASTRA HD 01:12610:v:S19.2E:22000:133:134:0:0:21102:1:1112:0
ProSieben HD:12722:hM8:S19.2E:22000:255:259:0:0:10200:0:1119:0
Sat.1 HD:12722:hM8:S19.2E:22000:511:515:0:0:10201:0:1119:0
ASTRA HD:12722:hM8:S19.2E:22000:767:768:0:0:10202:0:1119:0
ANIXE HD:12722:hM8:S19.2E:22000:1023:1027:0:0:10203:0:1119:0
:@1000 New channels

Shutdownskript erstellen und ablegen

cd /usr/local/bin

cd /usr/local/bin
chmod +x

VDR installieren

cd /usr/local/src/vdr/
make VFAT=1 all plugins && make install

VDR mittels runvdr starten

Das Skript runvdr wird benötigt um die DVB Treiber sowie den VDR zu starten.

runvdr anpassen

cd /usr/local/bin
vi runvdr

# runvdr: Loads the DVB driver and runs VDR
# If VDR exits abnormally, the driver will be reloaded
# and VDR restarted.
# In order to actually use this script you need to implement
# the functions DriverLoaded(), LoadDriver() and UnloadDriver()
# and maybe adjust the VDRPRG and VDRCMD to your particular
# requirements.
# Since this script loads the DVB driver, it must be started
# as user 'root'. Add the option "-u username" to run VDR
# under the given user name.
# Any command line parameters will be passed on to the
# actual 'vdr' program.
# See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
# how to reach the author.
# $Id: runvdr 1.19 2006/05/14 16:02:05 kls Exp $
export LANG=de_DE export LC_COLLATE=de_DE PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH VDRPRG="/usr/local/bin/vdr" VDRCMD="$VDRPRG -t /dev/tty8 -w 60 -c /etc/vdr -E /var/vdr --vfat \ -L /usr/local/src/vdr/PLUGINS/lib \ -s /usr/local/bin/ \ $*" KILL="/usr/bin/killall -q -TERM" # Detect whether the DVB driver is already loaded # and return 0 if it *is* loaded, 1 if not: function DriverLoaded() { return 1 }
# Load all DVB driver modules needed for your hardware: function LoadDriver() { modprobe stb6100 modprobe stb0899 modprobe lnbp21 modprobe budget-ci }
# Unload all DVB driver modules loaded in LoadDriver(): function UnloadDriver() { modprobe -r budget-ci modprobe -r lnbp21 modprobe -r stb0899 modprobe -r stb6100 }
# Load driver if it hasn't been loaded already: if ! DriverLoaded; then LoadDriver fi
while (true) do eval "$VDRCMD" if test $? -eq 0 -o $? -eq 2; then exit; fi echo "`date` reloading DVB driver" $KILL $VDRPRG sleep 10 UnloadDriver LoadDriver echo "`date` restarting VDR" done