Cubieboard 2 - Konfiguation

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Einstellung Bildschirmauflösungen Cubieboard2


libusb  (wird für die tools benötigt)

libusb per Paket-Manager installieren


cd /
git clone
cd sunxi-tools
make clean ; make 
chmod 0777 *

mkdir /bootconf/
mkdir /bootedit/
cd /botconf/

mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /botconf/
cp * /bootedit/
cd /bootedit/

cp /sunxi-tools/fex2bin ./
cp /sunxi-tools/bin2fex ./
chmod 0777 *

rm script.fex  (falls vorhanden)

./bin2fex script.bin script.fex

die script.fex nach belieben editieren.

rm script.bin
./fex2bin script.fex script.bin

cp /bootedit/script.bin /bootedit/script.bin.old
cp script.bin /bootedit/script.bin


disp init configuration

Übernommen von


  • disp_init_enable: 0 to disable; 1 to enable
  • disp_mode: Display mode to use:
mode display mode
0 screen0(screen0, fb0)
1 screen1(screen1, fb0)
2 dualhead(screen0, screen1, fb0, fb1) (2 screens, 2 framebuffers)
3 xinerama(screen0, screen1, fb0) (2 screens, one big framebuffer)
4 clone(screen0, screen1, fb0) (2 screens, one standard framebuffer)
  • screen0_output_type: Output type for screen0:
  • screen1_output_type: Output type for screen1:
type Output type
0 none
1 lcd
2 tv
3 hdmi
4 vga
  • screen0_output_mode: Output mode for screen0:
  • screen1_output_mode: Output mode for screen1:
mode used for tv/hdmi output used for vga output
0 480i 1680*1050
1 576i 1440*900
2 480p 1360*768
3 576p 1280*1024
4 720p50 1024*768
5 720p60 800*600
6 1080i50 640*480
7 1080i60
8 1080p24
9 1080p50
10 1080p60 1920*1080
11 pal 1280*720
14 ntsc
  • fb0_framebuffer_num: fb0 buffer number, use 2 for double buffering
  • fb1_framebuffer_num: fb1 buffer number, use 2 for double buffering
  • fb0_format: pixel format for fb0:
  • fb1_format: pixel format for fb1:
format fb0_format
4 RGB655
5 RGB565
6 RGB556
7 ARGB1555
8 RGBA5551
9 RGB888
10 ARGB8888
12 ARGB4444
  • fb0_pixel_sequence: fb0 pixel sequence (0 generally for linux, 2 for android):
  • fb1_pixel_sequence: fb1 pixel sequence (0 generally for linux, 2 for android):
sequence fb0_pixel_sequence
  • fb0_scaler_mode_enable: 0 to disable; 1 to enable
  • fb1_scaler_mode_enable: 0 to disable; 1 to enable

Anschließen und Ansteuern einer LED ans Cubieboard

Mögliche Nutzung "Rec-led"

Pin-Belegung Cubieboard 1/2

echo 17 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17_pg9/direction
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17_pg9/value <--------- AN
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17_pg9/value <--------- AUS

Ton Einstellungen

Zum Einstellen des Ton's über pulse-audio:

für HDMI:

echo "set-default-sink alsa_output.platform-sunxi-sndhdmi.0.analog-stereo" | pacmd

Für Klinke:

echo "set-default-sink alsa_output.platform-sunxi-codec.analog-stereo" | pacmd